I appreciate you kindly replying to my e-mail.
Frankly speaking,
I have no idea how to draw our portal system and how to integrate
DE's system and KR's system for the future.
Actually without mOOO which is mail system as well as portal system,
I have question about how DE site will implement portal system
(It's not currently available but in near future we may have to implement it)
Thast is my point.
I'd like to share KR's(Mr.LOOO and I) reviews about DE's requirements
which was up to 20 things as well as KR's requirements.
and listen to more DE's opinion considering KR's requirement together before
final decision about this issue.
Although I aimed to have more mutual understanding with each other but
I think that there might be some limitations because of my insufficient english.
I am so sorry I am fully unable to understand you about my point of view.
If you don't mind me telling you about your questions,
I'd like to explain you about each your questions.
Please refer to the following:
One thing I do definitively not understand “SOOO's IT rule(architecture)”.
I can not remember that we agreed already on a “SOOO's IT rule(architecture)”.
→ You pointed out correctly and I am fully with you.
The mentioned "SOOO's IT rule(architecture) " actually means basic principle
which was agreed between Mr.LOO and Dr.FOOO.
To my regret I didn't express it correctly and I appologize for you.
(Image Cut)
AS you can see the above basic priciple which I mentioned SOO's IT rule,
I think it is significant to note "Data Integrity"
I think that Portal system and Electronic approval system are related with
"Data integrity" principle.
If SOO should consider portal system which will be used between DE site and KR site,
How can SOOO(DE and KR) implement portal system without mOOOO in DE.
Needless to say,
if DE site use exchange server as only mail server and implement portal and
approval system separately, It can be another image. But at that time,
I am anxious about the cost to setup separate those system.
I am really look forward to DE site's note above my point.
From my perspective we are just discussing what will be our
SOOO IT-architecture.
→ Yes. I know that.
and I hope you can check with Mr.Lee the SOOO IT architecture at the
beginning of June.
I will suggest it after my IOOO project.
At that time we can discuss about it which will be produced under basic principles.
Do you have a different opinion?
→ No.
but I hope that DE site kindly would consider above things
and communicate with each other.
I'm not sure how much I solve your questions.
If you have any further questions about this, Please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Dear Mr. David,
thank you for your email.
I have a lot of questions to your statements.
One thing I do definitively not understand “SOO's IT rule(architecture)”.
I can not remember that we agreed already on a “SOO's IT rule(architecture)”.
From my perspective we are just discussing what will be our SOO IT-architecture.
Do you have a different opinion?
Best regards